She's currently six years old. And that's not all! Aubry will also get $115,000 in retroactive support to cover all the time that has elapsed since the couple's April 2010 split. court has ruled that Halle Berry will have to pay her ex, Gabriel Aubry, $16,000 a month in child support until their daughter Nahla turns 19 or graduates high school. She's done it repeatedly with Beatsprobably most obviously with the video for 'Pills N Potions'and also with her line of Myx. Halle Berry has to pay HOW MUCH in child support?!Īn L.A. The Sexiest GIFs From Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda Video. Instead, the video is sexy in a more demure way - never thought we'd say that - and yeah, we're digging it. It's so weird seeing her without the crazy getups and wigs - SO. There's a lot of weird sh*t happening in this video and a lot of nakedness and Nicki Minaj being her new brunette unrecognizable self. Nicki Minaj's 'Pills N Potions' vid is here! Jay also shared some even more personal details, saying he wears a binder on his chest, but plans to start testosterone treatment and eventually have surgery to fully transition. The Sexiest GIFs From Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda Video. “And same with my sister, she told me that she was proud of me, and respects me by calling me handsome and calling me her little brother now, and I love her for that, so you know it was great for me.” “She was very proud of me, I was like, ‘Thank you mum for accepting the fact that I’m a transgender.’” A photo posted by Nicki Minaj (nickiminaj) on at 5:18pm PDT Then, in the promo image for Pills N Potions, it’s bigger but it’s fine. “ was like, ‘Baby, you know I love you if you were bi, gay,, you name it and I would still love you so much,’” he wrote. Born Jaya and now known as Jay, the teen used Instagram and Ask.fm to share his story. Kelly's 13-year-old child has come out as transgender in a bold move we can’t help but applaud. After her recent run of fiery badass rap singles, it was a bit sad to hear Nicki Minaj go for soft chiffon pop-R&B on Pills N Potions, the first official single from her new album The Pink. Kelly’s youngest child comes out as transgender